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Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 and the Long Loading Splash


If you have used Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 (or several other CS5 products as I've read), you might have encountered long waiting times during the program launching. In the case of Premiere Pro CS5, the splash screen shows "Loading ExporterQuickTimeHost.prm" and sticks with it for a couple of minutes (yes, minutes). This is not even a one-time thing or a once-per-Windows-session, it happens each and every program launch.

When I researched this, I quickly found the answer in Adobe's forums: Premiere CS5 takes 5 minutes to start up

In fact, what's causing this is not just the Adobe program, but rather the combination of a firewall and the Adobe program. If you are as restrictive in terms of Internet access as I am, you might have forbidden Adobe Premiere Pro.exe outgoing IP connections altogether. However, it is trying to establish a TCP connection to localhost /

The fix is to allow outgoing TCP (I chose IP, which of course includes TCP) to for the following executables:

  • <Premiere Directory>\Adobe Premiere Pro.exe
  • <Premiere Directory>\32\Adobe QT32 Server.exe
  • <Premiere Directory>\32\dynamiclinkmanager.exe

with <Premiere Directory> of course being the path to your Adobe Premiere directory.

Note: Of course you can still stop every other outgoing traffic. Regard the rule as an exception.

If you are trying to apply this fix to other Adobe programs, you are on your own to find out which .exes require TCP connections. With modern firewalls, however, this shouldn't be that big of a problem. Just look at the prompts your firewall pops up and/or determine the .exes via logging.

I hope that helps you enjoy your respective Adobe program(s) all the more. šŸ™‚

Good luck and, as always, thanks for reading.

Update (2010-03-28):
I recently found out that with my kind of firewall "Adobe Premiere Pro.exe" would prompt me again for a rule for outgoing traffic to addresses different from the localhost zone. If that happens to you, make sure you don't accidentally replace or override the localhost rule you added above. Rather add an additional rule for all the remaining outgoing traffic and forbid it (or allow it, depending on what you want).

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  1. Thanks a million. Fixed the problem.

  2. Just shutdown your internet connection……
    It’s work for my pc

  3. it works for all that have problem…tx

  4. Hi!
    I don’t think you need to set up rules for that in your Windows firewall. The Windows firewall should normally not interfere with those rules.
    These connections are outgoing connections to localhost/ (loopback) and as such should be regarded as harmless by default firewall settings.
    With a firewall that has application-specific rules (like COMODO Firewall), you should check to see if those connections really do get blocked somehow. You could use logging to help you determine that. For me, the problem was mostly that a new rule (forbid all outgoing traffic) did an override of an existing one (allow outgoing traffic to loopback) so that the loopback one didn’t come into play any more. The Windows firewall also has a Monitoring component that should allow you to look at logs – at least the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security does (comes with Windows Vista and newer versions).
    Seeing as you have a router and are therefore not directly connected to the Internet anyway, you could try shortly disabling your Windows firewall (if you’re a little paranoid, then do that after a reboot without any other program launched) and see if that changes anything. If it does, you can be quite sure that it has something to do with your Windows firewall settings, so you might be able to narrow it down better.
    In any case, you don’t need any port forwarding rules either, because, like I said before, those are local connections (from your local computer to your local computer) and there is no need to allow connections from the outside to get to your computer.
    I’m afraid I can’t really help you beyond this, but I do hope that any of the above information was of any help to you.
    Good look finding the culprit šŸ™‚
    Bye and thanks for reading.

  5. I have tried looking in my router’s port forwarding, etc. but I’m not sure if that would fix it either..

  6. Hi there,
    So I tried allowing all of these in my Windows firewall but for some reason it still isn’t working — I don’t have any other firewall installed — any ideas?

  7. For Mac users I figured out that you can get around this problem by trashing your preferences which are essentially 2 sets of files:
    1: ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Premiere Pro (the whole folder)
    2: ~/Library/Preferences/com.Adobe.Premiere Pro.* (anything that starts with this)

    restart and things should go fine. Also check your hosts file for irregularities just in case.

  8. Thanks, everywhere on the net were telling me to reinstla windows but you made it work! man….. you are great!!!

  9. Hello,

    I’ve been searching and searching for that solution! Thank you so much. Premiere used to launch in 10 minutes, and this morning it opened in 5 seconds, that’s so great.

    So I think you HAVE TO share that on the Adobe forums, where no one has been that clear and helpful.

    Thanks again, have a good day!


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