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High DPI / Font Scaling Display Problem With LibreOffice


When I installed LibreOffice on my Windows 10 notebook with 125% font scaling, I immediately noticed that the menu bar was somehow hiding behind the title bar and everything I clicked was recognized as clicked a couple dozen pixels above what I was actually pointing at.

This seems to be a known problem for LibreOffice with OpenGL and high DPI / high font scaling, maybe specifically in conjunction with my Intel HD Graphics / IGPU.

The fix is fairly easy but difficult to find out on your own:

  1. Make sure that no LibreOffice application is running.
  2. Open the LibreOffice OpenGL blacklist configuration file with a text editor, usually found at C:\Program Files\LibreOffice 5\share\opengl\opengl_blacklist_windows.xml.
  3. Inside the block enclosed by the <blacklist> tag, add the following block:
    <entry os="all" vendor="intel">
        <device id="all"/>
  4. Save and start a LibreOffice application to check.

This should do it!

Thanks for reading!


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