Viewing Hidden Devices in Windows Device Manager
If you are trying to find a device that has been hidden in your Windows Device Manager, for example because you don't have it plugged in at the moment, you might find this little guide handy.
- Open the command prompt ("Start" => "cmd")
- Enter
set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1
- Then start the Device Manager from the command prompt via
- In the Device Manager, click "View" => "Show hidden devices"
I hope this helped
Thanks for reading!
Installing the Logitech F710 Wireless Gamepad on Windows 7 x64 (XInput Driver)
Update from 2015-10-18: Windows 10 Pro (x64) does not appear to require this workaround. It automatically installed the correct driver and allowed me to use the controller right away.
In order to be able to benefit from using the XInput mode for the Logitech F710 Wireless Gamepad, of course you need to install the correct driver. This is made a little hard for Windows 7 x64 seeing as there is no driver that comes with the device itself.
I found a guide on how you can manage it by using Microsoft's official Xbox 360 Controller driver.
Be careful though, you're messing with driver files. Use this guide at your own risk.
- Go to the Microsoft Hardware downloads page:
- Click on the category "Gaming"
- Click on the link "Xbox 360 Wireless Controller for Windows"
- Download the correct version of the file (Windows 7 64-bit only) and install it
- Open the Device Manager (e.g. [Windows]+[Break] => Device Manager)
- Right-click on the entry with "Logitech F710" in its name and the yellow triangle icon in front of it
- Open its properties
- Switch to the "Details" tab
- Choose the property "Hardware Ids"
- Right-click on the one without the "&REV_<Number>" at the end of the name and copy it. It should look something like this: USB\VID_046D&PID_C21F
- Go to the directory in which you installed the Xbox 360 Accessories Software a minute ago: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Xbox 360 Accessories
- Open the file Xusb21.inf with a plain text editor like Notepad
- At the top in the commented section you can see the line containing "Wireless Common Controller USB\Vid_045E&Pid_0719". Search for "USB\Vid_045E&Pid_0719" and replace each occurence with the hardware ID you copied earlier. Afterwards, save it to the file. You might need to have your editor program in elevated privilege mode in order to do so.
- Go back to the Device Manager with the open F710 properties window
- Switch to the "Driver" tab
- Click on the "Update Driver..." button
- In the assistant, choose "Browse my computer for driver software"
- Choose the path "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Xbox 360 Accessories"
- Confirm the driver warning and you're good to go
To check if it really worked, you can just press the Logitech button on the game controller and it should cause a little frame with the Xbox logo, the text "Click for Help" and a down-pointing arrow button and an X button to pop up in the lower center of your screen.
I do not usually recommend modifying driver files like that, but I have used this method before and it worked for me, so I stopped looking for a better way, as there doesn't seem to be any official solution provided by Logitech themselves (which is a shame).
Original post and the ones who can be credited with this solution: post by breakfastmonkey on the official Logitech forums (referencing a couple of previous posts in the same thread).
Thanks for reading.
Making Traceroutes Work with a Firewall (Windows)
Even though I've had software firewalls in action for years now, I haven't really come across too many instances where I'd need traceroutes. The few times I did, however, I noticed that I only got output like the following:
>tracert Tracing route to [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 * * * Request timed out. 2 * * * Request timed out. 3 * * * Request timed out. 4 * * * Request timed out. 5 * * * Request timed out. 6 * * * Request timed out. 7 * * * Request timed out. 8 * * * Request timed out. 9 * * * Request timed out. 10 * * * Request timed out. 11 50 ms 50 ms 50 ms [] Trace complete.
The number of hops would of course vary for the specific host / IP address.
Today I had to use traceroute in order to analyze a couple of networking problems. That was the incentive I needed to look up why it didn't work.
The fact that not even my router was showing up was a big indicator that something was wrong with my local firewall settings.
After searching the web for a couple of minutes, I found out what I was looking for at this page:
Traceroute is using ICMP packets (plus UDP on Linux systems, but that's outside the scope of this blog entry. You can read more about it on the page I linked above). But even for an outgoing traceroute you need to accept incoming ICMP packets.
Which ones? These:
- ICMP TTL Expired (Type 11, Code 0)
- ICMP Port Unreachable (Type 3, Code 3)
Once you've enabled these types of packets for incoming traffic in your firewall(s), you'll see that your traceroute will now function as it should.
If your firewall does not allow you to configure accepting specific types of ICMP packets, try allowing incoming ICMP packets altogether (if that's not too much of a compromise for you).
Anyway, long-ish story short: It's working now
Thanks to the webmaster of the page I linked above! And thanks to you for reading.
Using Different Color Schemes with Vim
If you have been using the Linux console text editor vim (or: Vi IMproved), you have probably noticed already that at times - especially in files with a large amount of comments - the default color scheme on a black background is less than ideal. Dark blue on black is pretty hard to read and can strain the eyes a lot.
So today I went out to see if somebody had come up with a solution for this particular problem. I saw people who changed console colors by exporting and overwriting certain system variables, and others who edited the default color scheme.
The simplest solution I have found to this problem is just switching the color scheme. You can do that by typing the following in the already open vim session:
:colorscheme desert
where desert is just an example for the scheme of choice. Desert - for me - has just the right color for comments: aquamarine / light blue.
If you are satisfied with the scheme and would like it to be applied each time you launch vim, you can just edit /etc/vim/vimrc (or in my case with CentOS: /etc/vimrc) and add the following line:
colorscheme desert
with desert again, of course, being the chosen color scheme. This would apply this setting automatically for each vim instance that is launched system-wide. If you do not have access to the system-wide preferences or prefer just using it for your own user account, edit the ~/.vimrc instead.
The blog entry I got this tip from (Asher's space) has further instructions on how to edit existing color schemes and even a link to a blog post that explains how to edit the dark blue color for directories in ls listings with color, but I did not feel the need to go that far. If you are interested in that topic I can only encourage you to visit the original post.
Thanks for reading!
Update (2012-01-04):
Okay, looks like pingback isn't working, so here's a direct link to the original blog post:
vi code highlighting: change the default comments color from dark blue to light blue (
New Old Blog URL
Hello and a Happy New Year 2012!
Yesterday evening and early today I decided to implement something that has been flying around in my head for quite some while. I enabled SSL for my website - including this blog! - and at the same time moved the blog back to its original URL:
Now, as some of you might know, that subdomain URL has always continued to work even though I switched the URL to the subdirectory one for a while. However, instead of invalidating one or the other, both will still work. If you visit a link pointing to you will be redirected to the new subdomain one.
So, with SSL being enabled as well, you can also reach this blog via, which I would strongly advise you to use over the unencrypted one. It's quite unlikely that I will post highly sensitive content on here to justify SSL encryption, but hey, it's fancy, and who doesn't like fancy stuff, right?
In order to not get any warning due to untrusted certificates, however, I recommend (not only for my site's sake but for a number of other privately or non-commercially run websites throughout the whole web) you visit and get the root certificates for your browser so that CAcert will be trusted as a Certificate Authority.
Alright, that's it for now. I think I will have some relevant stuff to write about in 2012, so stay tuned.
Don't hold your breath though
Oh, and in case you haven't noticed, I have actually been active on Twitter again for the last half year or so, and I'm intending on keeping that trend. So swing by there if you like The link/info is on my main website.
Thanks for reading and sorry for any inconvenience.
Detecting the Linux Distribution / Version
Just a quick method to (roughly) detect your linux distribution and version:
$ cat /etc/issue or $ cat /etc/*release