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PhonerLite With FRITZ!Box


If you want to set up your PhonerLite VoIP/SIP client with the FRITZ!Box so you can receive phone calls on your computer as well, of course you should have a look at the official AVM documentation (like the one for the FRITZ!Box 7390).

However, I encountered the following problems:

  • outgoing calls would result in a "480 Temporarily Unavailable" error (even the test number **797)
  • saving the configuration (tab "Configuration" => "Save" button) repeatedly would cause the status bar to alternate between
    • showing a red indicator and the error message "sip:<number> not registered <Connectivity Checks Failed>" every second click
    • showing a green indicator and the message "sip:<number> registered" every other click

I changed the following server / connection settings to fix the problem:

  • Proxy/Registrar: <FRITZ!Box IP address instead of, e.g.>
  • Domain/Realm:

After that, every time I saved the configuration if would show the success indicator and message and telephony just worked in general.

My local network interface uses an external DNS server for hostname resolution and I have added the name manually in my hosts file. This might be why this was causing me problems.

I hope this was of any help to you in case you encountered this as well.

Thanks for reading!

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