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Using msysgit With PuTTY Pageant & Plink


If you have installed msysgit and are planning on using it in combination with Pageant from the PuTTY tool suite, you might run into the problem that it does not attempt to use any of the keys you have already loaded into Pageant. You can fix this by telling msysgit which program to use for the git fetch and pull operations:

  • Open your System window (Windows + Pause or "Start" => Right-click on "Computer" => "Properties")
  • Click on "Advanced system settings" (on the left)
  • Click on "Environment Variables..." (on the bottom)
  • Add a new system variable (or user variable if you just want this setting for the current user): "New..."
  • Variable name: GIT_SSH
    Variable value: (path to plink.exe) for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\plink.exe (important: just the path, no quotation marks at the beginning or the end!)
  • If you haven't already on this system / user, connect to the server via PuTTY in order to get the SSH server fingerprint prompt and remember it
  • Close any existing Git Bash / msysgit instances and start it up again

This should do it!

I hope this was helpful.

Thanks for reading!
