About software, technology and random things


Using Windows Photo Viewer in Windows 10


If your Windows 10 system is an upgrade from a previous Windows version, you will not have encountered this problem.

This is only relevant for clean, non-upgrade Windows 10 installs.

I noticed that on my clean Windows 10 install the default application for viewing picture files like JPEG or PNG was the Microsoft Photos app. As I prefer the classic Windows Photo Viewer application for viewing images, I tried to select that as the default. Surprisingly enough, it was not in the list of options.

To add the Windows Photo Viewer back to the list of applications for pictures, you have to import missing registry entries. This is due to the fact that Windows Photo Viewer does not come as an executable but as a DLL.

The following explains the process for the whole system (not just the current user). The source article contains an alternative method for just the current user as well as a "sort order fix" solution that takes into account the order in which the files were sorted inside the directory.

  1. Download the "Restore_Windows_Photo_Viewer_ALL_USERS.reg" file from the source article or create a new text file with a ".reg" extension and the following contents:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    ; Created by: Shawn Brink
    ; Created on: August 8th 2015
    ; Tutorial:
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Photo Viewer\Capabilities]
    "ApplicationDescription"="@%ProgramFiles%\\Windows Photo Viewer\\photoviewer.dll,-3069"
    "ApplicationName"="@%ProgramFiles%\\Windows Photo Viewer\\photoviewer.dll,-3009"
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Photo Viewer\Capabilities\FileAssociations]
  2. If you created the file by hand, it should use Windows line endings (CRLF).
    Also, the original file has UCS-2 LE BOM encoding, but I am not positive if that makes any difference as opposed to standard UTF-8 encoding without a BOM. I checked this with Notepad++.
  3. Run the .reg file.
  4. This should be it! You can now delete the .reg file and try selecting Windows Photo Viewer once again.

I think it is a bit weird that Microsoft would choose to omit these settings for a clean Windows 10 install, but I am happy that I can still use it with just this little tweak.

Source with more information, alternative ways to do this and instructions to revert these changes:

Thanks for reading!


Getting a Let’s Encrypt Certificate Through DNS Challenge With Cloudflare


A couple of days ago one of my subdomains' SSL certificates expired.

Instead of paying for a renewal, I decided to have a first look at getting a free certificate from the Let's Encrypt Certificate Authority.

The ideal way would have been to set up a mechanism that would allow for an automatic certificate renewal, so I would not have to do it myself every 3 months. That is the maximum amount of time Let's Encrypt's certificates are valid for. However, in this case this was more easily said than done. The service I intend to use the certificate with is running on a shared IP and listening on a non-standard HTTPS port because the standard ports for HTTP and HTTPS are already used for something else. This prevented me from utilizing all HTTP / HTTPS based challenges to verify the hostname ownership which is an essential part of the Let's Encrypt certificate signing process.

After some searching I found a great solution that would enable me to do a somewhat half-automated, half-manual approach:

lukas2511's dehydrated ACME client in conjunction with kappataumu's Let's Encrypt Cloudflare hook.

This Shell-based ACME client allows the user to get a Let's Encrypt certificate using the dns-01 challenge. That way, you only have to create a DNS record (containing a generated value) in order to verify your ownership of the hostname instead of uploading content to the webserver. The DNS record can be created and deleted automatically through the Cloudflare hook if that is what you are using for your DNS record management.

The instructions for both the ACME client as well as the hook are pretty straightforward, so I recommend reading those if you are interested in trying this approach.

These are the changes I made in the config file (just as an example):

  • Set "http-01" as the CHALLENGETYPE (explanation below):
  • Set "rsa" as the KEY_ALGO:
  • Add environment variables with config for the Cloudflare hook script at the end:
    export CF_EMAIL=''
    export CF_KEY='1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef'
    export CF_DEBUG=true

When attempting to execute dehydrated for the first time, it asks you to accept the terms. You can do that by simply entering this command:

$ ./dehydrated --register --accept-terms

Now you might have wondered why I set the CHALLENGETYPE to "http-01" instead of "dns-01"? So that we could accept the terms without any problems; "dns-01" gave me the following error: "ERROR: Challenge type dns-01 needs a hook script for deployment... can not continue."

The command I used to generate the certificates specified the challenge type "dns-01" explicitly anyway:

$ ./dehydrated -c -d -t dns-01 -k hooks/cloudflare/

The first challenge attempt failed for me, but the execution went on to retry and ultimately finished successfully.

Afterwards, you can find the certificate files in the subdirectory "certs/".

I installed and executed the software in a local Linux virtual machine without any problems and then copied the certificate files over to the destination server manually. Technically I could have just done this on the production system as well, but I did not feel like saving my Cloudflare API credentials on it. It will be interesting to see how annoying the steps are going to get after a couple of repetitions. Maybe in time some other solution will have come around.

Hopefully this was a helpful recommendation for you.

Thanks for reading!


PhonerLite With FRITZ!Box


If you want to set up your PhonerLite VoIP/SIP client with the FRITZ!Box so you can receive phone calls on your computer as well, of course you should have a look at the official AVM documentation (like the one for the FRITZ!Box 7390).

However, I encountered the following problems:

  • outgoing calls would result in a "480 Temporarily Unavailable" error (even the test number **797)
  • saving the configuration (tab "Configuration" => "Save" button) repeatedly would cause the status bar to alternate between
    • showing a red indicator and the error message "sip:<number> not registered <Connectivity Checks Failed>" every second click
    • showing a green indicator and the message "sip:<number> registered" every other click

I changed the following server / connection settings to fix the problem:

  • Proxy/Registrar: <FRITZ!Box IP address instead of, e.g.>
  • Domain/Realm:

After that, every time I saved the configuration if would show the success indicator and message and telephony just worked in general.

My local network interface uses an external DNS server for hostname resolution and I have added the name manually in my hosts file. This might be why this was causing me problems.

I hope this was of any help to you in case you encountered this as well.

Thanks for reading!


Installing mod_cloudflare For Apache HTTPd 2.4 On Debian 8 (Jessie) Via Aptitude Repository

[Update on 2019-09-19] Warning: From Debian 9 (stretch) upwards, according to the official documentation Cloudflare has dropped support for mod_cloudflare. Instead they recommend replacing it with the new alternative: the official Apache HTTPd module mod_remoteip.


If you are using the Cloudflare proxy functionality, you will find that your web server will end up only working with Cloudflare's IPs instead of the visitors'. After quite some time I thought that there has to be a better way to go about this, and I found mod_cloudflare, a solution officially developed by Cloudflare themselves.

When I was looking at the official Cloudflare documentation on how to install mod_cloudflare for Apache 2.4 on Debian 8 (Jessie) today, I was disappointed to find that they were only recommending manual ways: installing a .deb package or compiling the module yourself.

Luckily I found a guide on how to accomplish the installation with the standard apt-get / aptitude tool for Debian / Ubuntu.

This is how:

  1. Add the aptitude repository to a new sources list file, e.g. at /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudflare-main.list - with this content:
    deb jessie main
  2. Download the Cloudflare repository key and add it to the aptitude known keys:
    # wget
    # apt-key add pubkey.gpg
    # rm pubkey.gpg
  3. Update the aptitude cache:
    # aptitude update
  4. Look at which packages are available in the new repository:
    # grep ^Package: /var/lib/apt/lists/pkg.cloudflare.com_dists_jessie_main_binary-amd64_Packages
  5. Install mod_cloudflare:
    # aptitude install libapache2-mod-cloudflare
  6. Restart the Apache HTTPd service:
    # service apache2 restart

Hopefully this way of installing will enable everyone to update / maintain it much more easily and with less one-time use packages installed.

Additionally, this could prove even more useful for people who want to install more Cloudflare packages.

I am confident that this method also works for Ubuntu and other versions of Debian - just replace the "jessie" part in the aptitude sources list file with your distribution major release codename (like "wheezy" for Debian 7 or "vivid" for Ubuntu 15.04).

Thanks for reading!

Original source:


Using msysgit With PuTTY Pageant & Plink


If you have installed msysgit and are planning on using it in combination with Pageant from the PuTTY tool suite, you might run into the problem that it does not attempt to use any of the keys you have already loaded into Pageant. You can fix this by telling msysgit which program to use for the git fetch and pull operations:

  • Open your System window (Windows + Pause or "Start" => Right-click on "Computer" => "Properties")
  • Click on "Advanced system settings" (on the left)
  • Click on "Environment Variables..." (on the bottom)
  • Add a new system variable (or user variable if you just want this setting for the current user): "New..."
  • Variable name: GIT_SSH
    Variable value: (path to plink.exe) for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\plink.exe (important: just the path, no quotation marks at the beginning or the end!)
  • If you haven't already on this system / user, connect to the server via PuTTY in order to get the SSH server fingerprint prompt and remember it
  • Close any existing Git Bash / msysgit instances and start it up again

This should do it!

I hope this was helpful.

Thanks for reading!



Mozilla Thunderbird: Changing the EHLO / HELO Value in the “Received”-Header for Outgoing Mail


If you have had a look at your outgoing e-mail headers that you've sent from Mozilla Thunderbird, you might have noticed that Thunderbird uses the IP of the network interface that it uses to connect to the internet with by default. If you are using a router on your network, this is a private IP from your LAN (for example instead of one that might be of actual use.


Received: from ([] helo=[]) by (incoming-mta-service) with esmtpsa (outgoing-mta-service) id
 0a1b2c-3D4e5F6G7h-0a1B2c for <>; Sun, 02 Nov 2014 20:55:41 +0100

where "" is the publicly facing IP and "" is its hostname.

If you do not wish to expose this information to every and all recipients of the e-mails you are sending with Thunderbird to (maybe out of security concerns in a business environment), you can set the EHLO / HELO value manually for every outgoing e-mail sent by the Thunderbird client with your current user profile and even for every simple SMTP server individually.

Here's how:


  • Open your Thunderbird options ("Tools" => "Options")
  • "Advanced" => "Config Editor..."
  • Create (or edit) the entry named "mail.smtpserver.default.hello_argument". If you need to create it, use right-click => "New" => "String".
  • Change the value to the desired IP or hostname (FQDN).

Per SMTP server

  • Open your Thunderbird options ("Tools" => "Options")
  • "Advanced" => "Config Editor..."
  • Create (or edit) the entry named "mail.smtpserver.smtp<number>.hello_argument" where <number> is the ID for the SMTP server you would like to apply the setting to. Type "mail.smtpserver.smtp" to see which ones are available and which ID they have. If you need to create the entry, use right-click => "New" => "String".
  • Change the value to the desired IP or hostname (FQDN).

Technically this value is not relevant for sending/receiving the mail, but because it might be used for spam scoring or simply out of courtesy I would recommend entering a valid IP / hostname.

I myself am using

Thanks for reading!



Deleting Huge Directories in Windows Via Command Prompt


If you'd like to delete a huge folder / directory in Windows with maybe thousands or hundreds of thousands of files inside, doing that via Explorer might cost you a lot more time than via command prompt.

Here's how to do it faster:

  1. Open the command prompt by using "Start" => "cmd" and navigating to the desired path via "cd <path>" or "pushd <path>"
    - OR -
    navigate to the folder in the Explorer and use Shift + right-click and "Open command window here"
    (Note: if deleting the desired folder requires elevated privileges, you will have to start a command prompt in elevated mode and navigate the old-fashioned way)
  2. Use the following command:
    rmdir /s /q folder

A little explanation about rmdir's flags:

  • /s: removes the directory itself including all the contained files and subdirectories
  • /q: forces deletion and does not ask for approval

Doing this can be very helpful in a coding environment where you can easily end up with thousands of small files.

Thanks for reading!



Viewing Hidden Devices in Windows Device Manager


If you are trying to find a device that has been hidden in your Windows Device Manager, for example because you don't have it plugged in at the moment, you might find this little guide handy.

  1. Open the command prompt ("Start" => "cmd")
  2. Enter
    set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1
  3. Then start the Device Manager from the command prompt via
  4. In the Device Manager, click "View" => "Show hidden devices"

I hope this helped 🙂

Thanks for reading!



Installing the Logitech F710 Wireless Gamepad on Windows 7 x64 (XInput Driver)

Update from 2015-10-18: Windows 10 Pro (x64) does not appear to require this workaround. It automatically installed the correct driver and allowed me to use the controller right away.


In order to be able to benefit from using the XInput mode for the Logitech F710 Wireless Gamepad, of course you need to install the correct driver. This is made a little hard for Windows 7 x64 seeing as there is no driver that comes with the device itself.

I found a guide on how you can manage it by using Microsoft's official Xbox 360 Controller driver.

Be careful though, you're messing with driver files. Use this guide at your own risk.

  1. Go to the Microsoft Hardware downloads page:
  2. Click on the category "Gaming"
  3. Click on the link "Xbox 360 Wireless Controller for Windows"
  4. Download the correct version of the file (Windows 7 64-bit only) and install it
  5. Open the Device Manager (e.g. [Windows]+[Break] => Device Manager)
  6. Right-click on the entry with "Logitech F710" in its name and the yellow triangle icon in front of it
  7. Open its properties
  8. Switch to the "Details" tab
  9. Choose the property "Hardware Ids"
  10. Right-click on the one without the "&REV_<Number>" at the end of the name and copy it. It should look something like this: USB\VID_046D&PID_C21F
  11. Go to the directory in which you installed the Xbox 360 Accessories Software a minute ago: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Xbox 360 Accessories
  12. Open the file Xusb21.inf with a plain text editor like Notepad
  13. At the top in the commented section you can see the line containing "Wireless Common Controller USB\Vid_045E&Pid_0719". Search for "USB\Vid_045E&Pid_0719" and replace each occurence with the hardware ID you copied earlier. Afterwards, save it to the file. You might need to have your editor program in elevated privilege mode in order to do so.
  14. Go back to the Device Manager with the open F710 properties window
  15. Switch to the "Driver" tab
  16. Click on the "Update Driver..." button
  17. In the assistant, choose "Browse my computer for driver software"
  18. Choose the path "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Xbox 360 Accessories"
  19. Confirm the driver warning and you're good to go

To check if it really worked, you can just press the Logitech button on the game controller and it should cause a little frame with the Xbox logo, the text "Click for Help" and a down-pointing arrow button and an X button to pop up in the lower center of your screen.

I do not usually recommend modifying driver files like that, but I have used this method before and it worked for me, so I stopped looking for a better way, as there doesn't seem to be any official solution provided by Logitech themselves (which is a shame).

Original post and the ones who can be credited with this solution: post by breakfastmonkey on the official Logitech forums (referencing a couple of previous posts in the same thread).

Thanks for reading.


Making Traceroutes Work with a Firewall (Windows)


Even though I've had software firewalls in action for years now, I haven't really come across too many instances where I'd need traceroutes. The few times I did, however, I noticed that I only got output like the following:


Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  2     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  3     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  4     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  5     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  6     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  7     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  8     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  9     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 10     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 11    50 ms    50 ms    50 ms []

Trace complete.

The number of hops would of course vary for the specific host / IP address.

Today I had to use traceroute in order to analyze a couple of networking problems. That was the incentive I needed to look up why it didn't work.

The fact that not even my router was showing up was a big indicator that something was wrong with my local firewall settings.

After searching the web for a couple of minutes, I found out what I was looking for at this page:

Traceroute is using ICMP packets (plus UDP on Linux systems, but that's outside the scope of this blog entry. You can read more about it on the page I linked above). But even for an outgoing traceroute you need to accept incoming ICMP packets.

Which ones? These:

  • ICMP TTL Expired (Type 11, Code 0)
  • ICMP Port Unreachable (Type 3, Code 3)

Once you've enabled these types of packets for incoming traffic in your firewall(s), you'll see that your traceroute will now function as it should.

If your firewall does not allow you to configure accepting specific types of ICMP packets, try allowing incoming ICMP packets altogether (if that's not too much of a compromise for you).

Anyway, long-ish story short: It's working now 🙂

Thanks to the webmaster of the page I linked above! And thanks to you for reading.